Interweave Production Group Home
The following links will provide the necessary documentation for new employees as well as forms for updating employee tax withholding information. Please complete and return to us via fax or email the following documents at least one week prior to your first scheduled date of employment.
2007 W-4 (.pdf)
I-9/Employment Eligibility Verification (.pdf)
Interweave timesheet

Background Verification (.pdf)

In addition, the Direct Deposit Request can be submitted if you prefer your pay be deposited directly into your bank account. If you prefer to receive your actual check in the mail, you do NOT need to fill out this form.

Payroll is processed bi-weekly, with cut-off for timesheets on alternating Fridays. Please contact Laura Sheridan directly for any questions regarding payroll, schedule, etc.

Copyright 2002-2007 - Interweave Production Group